Adult Ministries


Worship Service Sunday @ 10:15 am (livestream available)

Adult Sunday School Classes (9:00-9:50 AM Sunday Mornings)

Spring 2025

This spring, our Adult Sunday School Class is learning about the Deconstruction movement: what it is and how to respond to it from a biblical worldview. Join us weekly for thought-provoking videos and discussion!

Men's Ministry

Men of all ages are invited to our monthly Guys' Nights!

Women's Ministry

The purpose of FBC's Women's Ministry is to equip and encourage women in the church to Great Commission impact in our community. We do this through prayer, Bible studies, intentional events, and service opportunities

Keep an eye on our events page for upcoming events for the women of First Baptist Church Long Prairie.

Moments For Mom's

Join us Tuesdays at 9:30 as we gather for fellowship, encouragement, and prayer.

Ladies' Prayer Gatherings

Join us the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM for prayer gatherings. Call church (320-732-2179) for location details!