Adult Sunday School Classes (9:00-10:00 AM Sunday Mornings)
Spring 2024
As a Christian we know we are expected to be a disciple and to disciple others. Exactly what that means in practical day to day terms seems to be lost. Some want to look at the disciples’ habits for the answer. Others are looking to their relationships. This class seeks to understand the ten complimentary threads of discipleship and how they interact together, at a very simple foundational level. We are seeking to know and live...
Our relationship with God
- By knowing and following the Holy Spirit’s lead in our life
- By walking in simple faith; knowing who God is and what He has said, then acting like He is telling the truth.
- By identifying and dealing with sin in our lives
- By engaging in Soul forming habits
- By understanding our corporate and personal identity in Christ.
Our relationships with people
- In our connections with Christians
- In our humble love for others
- In our witness
- In our service
- In our giving
Feel free to join us at any time. We meet at 9:00 each Sunday Morning in the East Hall. Each week’s lesson will have sufficient information and value to stand alone. No prior book work or materials needed.
Men's Ministry
Keep an eye on our events page to see upcoming events for the men of First Baptist Church Long Prairie.
Women's Ministry
Join the women of FBC Long Prairie as we grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord and think through practical applications to everyday life. Keep an eye on our events page for upcoming events for the women of First Baptist Church Long Prairie.
Moments For Mom's
Join us Tuesdays at 9:30 as we gather for fellowship, encouragement, and prayer.
Life Groups
At FBC we know that God's desire for us to meet together goes beyond our Sunday morning service. Joining a Life Group is a great way to get to know some of the other members of the body of Christ. Life groups usually meet one night a week to have fellowship and do life together. If you are interested in joining or leading a Life Group, contact our Director of Family Ministries Jackson Standafer.