Children's Ministry


Worship Service Sunday @ 10:15 am (livestream available)

We Are Passionate about passing faith to the next generation

We take seriously our call to come alongside Your Family in your child’s spiritual formation and growth. first and foremost we do this by encouraging, supporting, and Equipping The parents in our Church Family to Raise Godly Children.

Additionally, at our Children's Ministry, kids will hear God’s Story and discover their place in God’s plan, all in our prayerful hope that each child and family would place faith in Jesus Christ! If you have any questions about any of the information on this page, please contact our Student Ministry Pastor, Jackson Standafer.

You can always check here to see the most up to date Quest Kids Calendar! Look below to see our current Spring Calendar for Quest Kids! We hope to see you at our next gathering/event! You can also see a .pdf version of the current calendar by CLICKING HERE.



Weekly Kids Ministry Schedule


Sunday School - 9:00-9:45 AM

We have three age groups that meet on Sunday morning; 4 years old through Kindergarten (room 103), 1st grade through 3rd grade (upstairs room 207), and 4th grade through 6th grade (upstairs room 209). We love having new kids join us any week of the year! If you have any questions about how to find a room or anything else, just let us know!

Wednesday - (See the Calendar for special ministry nights)

Family Meal - 5:30-6:00 PM

Every Wednesday, you can join us at 5:30 for a free meal for your family before we get started at Quest Kids! The meal will be served promptly at 5:30, so please arrive as timely as possible. We hope that this meal is a blessing to our families and creates an easy avenue for your whole family to be involved in Quest and Rooted Ministries (read more below)!

Quest Kids - 6:00-7:30 PM 

Quest Kids provides children in our community with an intentional, safe, and fun environment to grow in their faith while their parents are disciples. Id does so through biblical lessons, purposeful games, and small group discussion. Our hope is that every child would be growing in their faith while at Quest and at home!

FAMILY NIGHT! - The First Wednesday Of EVERY MONTH

Every first Quest Kids of the month is a FAMILY NIGHT. We invite the whole family for a new activity each month. This is a highlight of our Children's Ministry and a very easy way to get to know us! Please join us this month!

ROOTED PARENTS - 6:00-7:00 PM (During Quest) 

We believe whole heartedly that God has given a special role to parents in raising Godly offspring! This task is an immense blessing, and an immense call. Our hope is to come alongside the parents in our community to help teach, equip, and support them in this journey. Whether you are new to parenting, or a seasoned pro; Whether you are new to faith, or a long time believer; we know that God has called us to live in community. Through relationship, conversation, prayer, and the Word, we hope that our Rooted Parents Ministry will help the families in our community to live out generations of faith.

Parents, please join us from 6:00-7:00 on Wednesday Nights for Rooted Parents! We offer child care for kids 3 and under in our nursery, and kids 4 and older will have a wonderful time at Quest!


We provide a clean, well-staffed nursery for infants and toddlers (birth to age 3) during the Sunday Morning Worship Service at 10:15. Simply bring your children to the Nursery and our volunteers will help you get checked in. If you have any questions about our Nursery, please contact our Student Ministry Pastor, Jackson Standafer.

Safety & Volunteers

We provide safe, engaging environments – just right for each age! All of our volunteers have gone through background checks to help protect your children.

Our desire is to be a ministry whose parents are as involved as possible! If you are interested in volunteering with our ministry, please contact our Student Ministry Pastor, Jackson Standafer.